气动隔膜泵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() 一、产品概述 QB型气动隔膜泵采用压缩空气为动力,对于各种腐蚀性液体,带颗粒(直径<10mm>)的液体,高粘度(<10000CP>)、易挥发、易燃、剧毒的液体,均能予以抽光吸尽,不需灌饮水,自吸能力达7m。可输送较高温度的介质150℃。其性能参数与国际相近。材质有铝合金、不锈钢。根据不同介质,隔膜片分为氟橡胶、聚四氟乙烯等,可以满足不同用户的要求。由于隔膜片将被输送介质和传动机械件分开,所以介质不会向外泄露。且泵无轴封,使用寿命大大延长。 Product Overview QB pneumatic diaphragm pump powered by compressed air, for a variety of corrosive liquid, with particles (diameter <10mm>), the high viscosity (<10000CP>), volatile, flammable, poisonous liquid, can be pumped exhaustion, without irrigation water, self-absorption capacity of 7m. Higher temperatures can transport medium 150 ℃. The performance parameters with international similar. Materials are aluminum, stainless steel. According to different media, diaphragm into fluorine rubber, PTFE, to meet the requirements of different users. Since the diaphragm will be transported separately from the media and transmission machinery parts, so the media will not leak out. No seal and pump life greatly extended. Second, the main specifications and technical parameters 二、主要规格和技术参数
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